black woman just jumped out of a plane attached to an instructor in a tandem skydive at Skydive Georgia. She is screaming happily in the blue skies with sun shining bright

Skydive Georgia – Practicing my Bravery! ?

Activity Inspiration

If you ask my husband and daughter, they’ll say that I lovingly push them to do things way outside of their comfort zone. True? False? Hahah–I’d say “Maybe”?

First moments of Free Fall during my tandem skydive with Skydive Georgia!

In all seriousness though, new experiences (even when a little nerve-wracking!) are one of my absolute favorite things. I think most folks don’t have confidence in all the things they could experience/achieve/do if they simply decided to swallow hard and say “yes” to something new.

While it is hard, in my experience, each time you inch further outside of your comfort zone, it gets a little easier to be brave.

For example–first time getting a taxi at an international airport. Terrifying. Lol. Where are they? What color is a real one? Do I need to negotiate the rate? ARGHHHHHHH! But each time after, it gets easier and your tolerance to worry less gets bigger ?

I truly believe amazing things happen when you practice your bravery like a new skill you’re learning ❤️️!

Adventure at EVERY Turn–Time to fly with Skydive Georgia!

I am SO happy to report that I tested myself, just like I push everyone else to do!

I did my first ever tandem skydive with Skydive Georgia! With Jump Master Jeff (el Jefe) and Ace Video creative Mikie at Skydive Georgia’s drop zone a little bit outside of Atlanta. It was truly an awesome experience.

While normally I can entice my family to do most things. This time though, they stood strong, and my skydive was a “mom only” experience!?

Maybe it makes me weird, but I wasn’t nervous at all until we shuffled up from the back of the plane to the open door. That moment, looking out, seeing the open sky–it finally hit me. **I** was jumping out into that openness!!!

And under Jeff’s expert care, I did!

Skydive Georgia has you leaping out of the plane at about 14,000 feet –nearly 2.7 miles up!!! This gives almost exactly one minute of free fall before the Jump Master pulls the main chute? Nothing can ever really explain the first moments of free fall, seeing the world swirl around you as you leave the plane.

Then, the sway and glide once the main chute opens–you are a bird ❤️️

So, enjoy the story of my jump, in both still images, and, cruise the great little videos to see what it was really like!

I hope you’ll go experience it as well! And when you do, ask for Jeff (El Jefe!) and Mikie for the Ace Team! (and, please do tell them Kate Okenatez-Mahoney sent you! ) ???

See what it was really like!

Love that Free Fall? Here are the POV Snippets for more!

This is the POV of our free fall from Mikey, the ace videographer!

And this is the POV of our free fall from Jeff, the Jump Master!

What a wild experience it was–I would do it again in a heartbeat! ?

Ready to be brave in your own way and thinking an elopement sounds rad?!?! You’re right! Drop me an email here, and let me help you make the leap! ?

Did you feel brave or scared when jumping out?

The short answer: brave.
The longer answer: I actually went all alone. My family was a little spooked to watch me do something like this. Being alone added another layer of fear to the experience. BUT it was incredible and I would do it over and over. I’ve done enough of these brave-moment things that I knew I would feel proud and brave after, I just had to get to the after.

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